Does Armor All damage tires? An extension of this rumor has recently popped up in our Jeep community that using Armor All products cause damage to their tires, I have even heard some local detailers telling me that Armor All damaged tires.
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Everyone I know, from detailers, and Jeep friends hate Armor All products and recommend some new detailing products, each with his kind, It seems no one likes Armor All at all, so the question “does Armor All damage tires?’ is a common question thrown now and then, I’m I ready to join your hate group?

I have used Armor All products since I was a kid, and yes, I have gotten cracks on my Jeep tires, is Armor All the culprit? does Armor All damage tires? this article is here to answer your questions.
My Experience With Armor All.
I have been using armor for the last 30-plus years, I keep all my cars to date, and I normally dust my cars using warm water and cloth after every two months, when it’s dry I use the squeeze-the-trigger Armor All spray, spray Armor All on the cloth first, and use the cloth with Armor All to wipe around the cars – I don’t spray Armor All directly on my cars. I use Armor All to wipe the interior, as well as use their protectant for tires, and I’ve never had any issues with the products, just shiny tires.
One thing I have noticed with Armor All products, after using them for a while, is that there is a difference when applied during the winter and summer, In the summer my garage gets hot and after wiping the cars with Armor All, it evaporates fast and creates a nice film all over the places I have applied both interior and exterior of the vehicles, during the winter Armor All dries more slowly, in my windows and windshields, and prevent surfaces from fogging, especially the glass parts.

Does Armor All Damage Tires?
My Jeep friends were Jeep trailing in the Johnson Valley (California), and one of my friends saw a bottle of Armor All in my camping gear, and he asked me a straight question “does Armor All damage tires? He later went on to explain to me the things he had read and heard about Armor All products effects tires such as it dries out tires and can ruin rims if the products drip on them. On the tires, he claimed that after prolonged use of Armor All on tires, the tires turn brown and feel dry, followed by cracks on the sidewalls.
I was surprised by his “does Armor All damage tires? the question, because I have been using Armor All products for my tires, I asked him if he has ever used Armor All products and witnessed what he has just told me and he said “no” he doesn’t use Armor All on his Jeep. The talk progressed too far and I was left to explain to him my experience of using Armor All for the last three years.
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Experience With Armor All On My Tires.
I have been using Armor All in my car tires for more than 30 years, and yes, I have witnessed some brownish residue left after using Armor All in my tires. When you understand why you see brownish residue you will understand why this is normal after using Armor All on tires. The brownish residue is due to the effects of antioxidant chemicals compounded in the tires that get leaked slowly to the outside.
Armor All products accelerate the process, immediately after using Armor All products on the tires, a brown residue normally forms in the tires, but does Armor All damage the tires? Actually no, I wipe the tire browning off with a piece of cloth, and the brown goop forms all over my wiping cloth, after several wipes, the cloth will no longer have the brown goop, and the tire will all be shiny like new.
In the introduction of this post, I told you I have had my tires crack while using Armor All, it’s worth noting that in my collection of cars, only one car had cracks on the tires, and the rest of the vehicles, had no cracks on them, which I was later to discover was because I had used some cheap branded tires, and not because of Armor All at all.

It was funny being asked the question “does Armor All damage tires” I have used Armor All forever, and I’m yet to have issues, when all my friends heard the “does Armor All damage tires” question they all laughed and we talked for the whole trip about Armor All products, which prompted me to write this article since all people who believe Armor All damages tires, rims, and plastics, while all it made to do is protect them.
Maybe it’s the application process, or maybe it’s the exposure of the tire and car to the sun rays that causes issues, but I’m yet to experience any of the issues mentioned, I know everyone uses different products, and some hate Armor All for various reasons, but from my experience, I’ve been using Armor All on my car collection interiors, and dash, I also use Armor All on my tires and rims, all my interiors have remained in pristine conditions and no cracks, just a little fading from the years the cars have stayed in my Garage where they are protected from the sun.
I recently bought a Jeep 2022 as my daily driver, and use Armor All on it still, every time I use Armor All on it, I let it sit for 30 minutes, and wipe the excess off with a piece of cloth, and the car interiors absorb it, and it will still collect dust when exposed to it, never had a massive problem doing this, the leather interiors, rim, and tires don’t show any signs of cracks, stay soft and shiny.
Here is a video explaining how to put Armor All on your tires:
I’m not an expert in car detailing and would expect more Armor All reviews from you, please feel free to leave comments regarding your experiences of using Armor All on your tires and cars.

About the Author: James Ndungu
James Ndungu is a seasoned automotive professional with a deep passion for Jeeps. With 40 years of experience in owning, testing, and reviewing various Jeep models, James has gained extensive first-hand knowledge and expertise. He shares his insights, tips, and advice through his engaging writing, helping fellow Jeep enthusiasts navigate the exciting world of Jeeps.
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